Tag: Internet

  • Getting hands-on with online education – A Crash Course on Creativity

    Getting hands-on with online education – A Crash Course on Creativity

    I’ve been following the developments in the online education space with increasing interest over the last year or so, with the available options and choice growing seemingly by the day. The likes of Coursera, Venture Lab, and Udacity now have an impressive selection of courses, across the full range of the sciences, technology, arts and…

  • Pressure from the cloud

    No, we’re not talking meteorology here! I have been keeping an interested eye on some of the developments from Amazon with their Amazon Web Services, so when I saw the following tweet from friend/colleague/troublemaker @MasterMark, it made me sit up! Oh, dude! It’s a war, and cloud is a battlefield. #orcl swallows #sun, and days…

  • Oh the irony!

    This caught my eye via google alerts, emphasis is mine. In a perfect world, all email clients would render our designs the way we intended it to be. Seeing as how browser compatibility for the web is still some way off, email client standardization would be eons away from reaching display nirvana. Together with Outlook…

  • Chris Brogan: What Social Media Does Best

    Chris Brogan has a great post in his series on social media. This list is a must read! Blogs allow chronological organization of thoughts, status, ideas. This means more permanence than emails. Podcasts (video and audio) encourage different types of learning, and in portable formats. Social networks encourage collaboration, can replace intranets and corporate directories,…

  • Marketing Pilgrim > Is Google Sick of Flash Web Sites? New Feature Encourages Users to “Skip Intro”

    This post from Andy Beal caught my attention today, commenting on google’s latest feature. As part of its search results, Google is letting us skip a site’s flash intro. So you know what we are discussing, here is an example search. Check out the [Skip Intro] link to the right of the result. The new…

  • Close to 3mb broadband I guess

    Close to 3mb broadband I guess

    Still way behind by modern standards mind. 🙁 Tags: isp, broadband, speed, spain, telefonica