Here we go again…

I came across this on Linkedin answers this morning:

What is around the corner for Lotus Notes?

I do a lot of work with IBM technologies, especially within the Lotus Notes Market.

A number of my clients that are non IBM Partners are migrating from Lotus Notes referring to it a “legacy” system.

Do you think that Lotus Notes will continue to compete in the market?

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.

Which prompted me to post my first response on Linkedin:

The simple answer is YES!

IBM will continue to compete in this area. Strongly.

Lotus Notes and Domino are now on version 8, which brought a completely refreshed UI, and IBM Lotus is openly talking about future versions and further innovation with the product. They have a clear roadmap for their products. Just because Lotus Notes has been around for so long, does not make it legacy.

I suggest you invest some time in getting up to date on the Lotus product portfolio, which has seen some great innovation this year with Quickr, Connections and Symphony, on top of Sametime and Lotus Notes of course!

I have included some links which I hope you find useful.



Reading questions like this does make me wonder though. How does someone doing “a lot of work with IBM technologies” not know the answer to this? And I’m not suggesting it is all the author’s fault.

I think both IBM and us in the Lotus community, need to continue to think about ways of reaching out further, beyond our own RSS feeds.

Source: LinkedIn: Answers: What is around the corner for Lotus Notes?

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2 responses to “Here we go again…”

  1. This is typically a “question” from a Microsoft business partner. I usually tell them that Notes/Domino fluently speaks XML,Web Services, RSS etc. ND8 is built on Eclipse. Are these legacy technologies?

  2. Hi Ed, thanks for stopping by.

    I like that! It pretty much sums it up in just one line!

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