Still catching up with email and blog reading, not helped by the excitement over the Notes Domino 8 release while I was away!
This post from Michael Smelser caught my eye:
The functionality I am referring to is running the Notes client in “Kiosk” mode, that is running a Notes application as if it were a stand alone product. What this does is it launches an application full screen on a users computer with no toolbars or bookmark bars.
So how do we manage it? Easy!
To launch the application in Kiosk mode use this in your Notes icon, startup script, whatever:
“[path to Notes executable]” /kiosk “[path\db.nsf]”
(e.g. “C:\Program Files\lotus\notes7\nlnotes.exe” /kiosk “af\main.nsf”
I didn’t know how this was done either, thanks Michael!
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