Tag: enterprise2.0

  • Life’s Change Agent

    This quote (emphasis mine) comes from Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, and speaks to some core fundamentals of what for me is a big part of “Enterprise 2.0” or “social business”. It’s the hard part, the change. No one wants to die, even people who want to go to Heaven don’t want to die…

  • Uncertain, Yet Exciting Times

    Uncertain, Yet Exciting Times

    Photo Credit: Ironclad HMS Warrior engine crankshaft by Elsie esq. Friend and colleague @NigelBarron earlier today passed me this post from Don Tapscott of Macrowikinomics fame: Davos: New Realities and Managing New Global Risks – Don Tapscott, which contains this inspirational line: the industrial age is finally coming to an end and to achieve economic…