Tag: Miscellaneous
The hurricane formerly known as Gordon got quite a bit of news over here during the last few days, and we actually saw some of it this morning for about half an hour as the wind picked up to quite a force. Galicia took the brunt as the storm headed north towards Ireland, with winds…
Going offline….
This could be the last update here for the next couple of weeks, as we are finally moving house! It will al just depend on when the new phone line and adsl get put in. I’m hoping quickly! So, I’ll see you when I’m back online and let you know what life is like without…
We Will Rock You – Version Español
Just got back from a night out to see the Queen musical ‘We Will Rock You’ in Gijon. I was initially pretty sceptical about what we were going to see, but it turned out my worries were unfounded and what we enjoyed was an excellent production. It was very well interpreted, with the translation and…