Dublin bound!

ILUG2008As many others, today I am off to Dublin to attend ILUG2008.

I get in this evening before heading to check-in at the Camden Court Hotel. I hope to arrive in time for a pint or two of the black stuff, so hope to meet some of you later!

I am really looking forward to getting over there, never been to Dublin before, and hoping to meet some of the people behind all the blogs I have been reading for so long!

So if you see a lost-looking, self-confessed ILUG newb, please go easy on me and say hi!


2 responses to “Dublin bound!”

  1. Hola Simon,
    Estaré al tanto, aunque creo que no nos conocemos 🙂 Ya vine el año pasado, pero todavía paso por un newbie.
    Un saludo,
    Miguel Angel

  2. Hola Miguel Angel!

    A ver si nos podemos conocer!

    “You have mail!”


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