Tag: enterprise 2.0
A blog reboot
It has been over 5 years…!! Is a blog still a thing in 2018? I’ve been feeling a bit of blogging mojo coming back, so dusting of the archives! I’ve done a bit of a cleanup on the backend, cleared out some plugins and re-installed the bare minimum for now. A few minor but important…
For “outside-in” thinking to really take off…
Just an observation to wrap up the week: For “outside-in” client-centric thinking to really take off, procurement processes need a major rethink! Remove the barriers. Let your partners reach you, help them help you. Time to kill off the RFP! 😉
Uncertain, Yet Exciting Times
Photo Credit: Ironclad HMS Warrior engine crankshaft by Elsie esq. Friend and colleague @NigelBarron earlier today passed me this post from Don Tapscott of Macrowikinomics fame: Davos: New Realities and Managing New Global Risks – Don Tapscott, which contains this inspirational line: the industrial age is finally coming to an end and to achieve economic…