Tag: Linux

  • Video calling on Ubuntu

    Video calling on Ubuntu

    Dale has been having trouble with video calls back to the UK from the states. since the start of this year I have been having lots of problems with video calling with Skype back to the UK, it worked fine in the USA but every time I tried back to the UK they would not…

  • All About Ubuntu

    Ineteresting new (for me!) Ubuntu blog I came across today All About Ubuntu was launched by Joe Panettieri, a technology media veteran who has earned exclusive interviews with Bill Gates, Michael Dell and other high-tech industry vanguards. Joe is co-founder of Nine Lives Media Inc., which owns and operates several niche IT communities, including MSPmentor…

  • Adventures in home working » When to Vista

    Steve Richards has some great thoughts on what to think about when considering an upgrade to Vista: please don’t think of your programme as a Vista upgrade. Instead: Model your workforce in terms of their workstyles review the appropriate solution for each workstyle, looking at the many highly differentiated options for desktop and application delivery…

  • The bet is on! Ubuntu vs. Microsoft – Ubuntu Forums

    This sounds like a great experiement, I hope he goes through with it. I’d be up for this too, anyone fancy betting be a laptop for using Ubuntu! 😉 Hello, I am here because of a bet I have with a friend. This is the deal: I have to use Ubuntu for 30 days. IF…

  • IPv6 issues with Ubuntu 7.10

    Since my upgrade to Ubuntu 7.10, I have not had any issues, and unfortunately not much time to explore some of the new features either! One thing I had noticed though, is that the Update Manager hadn’t informed me of any updates since. So, I forced a check, which resulted in timeout messages for the…

  • Microsoft vs Mandriva: The plot thickens

    Jonathan Carter has an update on the goings on regarding the Classmate PCs in Nigeria: The plot has thickened as more details emerges in a PC World article. The funder of 11000 of the 17000 classmate PC’s is insisting that Mandriva remains on the machines, at least for now. This will have a big impact…