Tag: Linux
Video calling on Ubuntu
Dale has been having trouble with video calls back to the UK from the states. since the start of this year I have been having lots of problems with video calling with Skype back to the UK, it worked fine in the USA but every time I tried back to the UK they would not…
All About Ubuntu
Ineteresting new (for me!) Ubuntu blog I came across today All About Ubuntu was launched by Joe Panettieri, a technology media veteran who has earned exclusive interviews with Bill Gates, Michael Dell and other high-tech industry vanguards. Joe is co-founder of Nine Lives Media Inc., which owns and operates several niche IT communities, including MSPmentor…
Adventures in home working » When to Vista
Steve Richards has some great thoughts on what to think about when considering an upgrade to Vista: please don’t think of your programme as a Vista upgrade. Instead: Model your workforce in terms of their workstyles review the appropriate solution for each workstyle, looking at the many highly differentiated options for desktop and application delivery…
The bet is on! Ubuntu vs. Microsoft – Ubuntu Forums
This sounds like a great experiement, I hope he goes through with it. I’d be up for this too, anyone fancy betting be a laptop for using Ubuntu! 😉 Hello, I am here because of a bet I have with a friend. This is the deal: I have to use Ubuntu for 30 days. IF…
IPv6 issues with Ubuntu 7.10
Since my upgrade to Ubuntu 7.10, I have not had any issues, and unfortunately not much time to explore some of the new features either! One thing I had noticed though, is that the Update Manager hadn’t informed me of any updates since. So, I forced a check, which resulted in timeout messages for the…
Microsoft vs Mandriva: The plot thickens
Jonathan Carter has an update on the goings on regarding the Classmate PCs in Nigeria: The plot has thickened as more details emerges in a PC World article. The funder of 11000 of the 17000 classmate PC’s is insisting that Mandriva remains on the machines, at least for now. This will have a big impact…