Tag: Personal
News from the West Coast
San Francisco – I love this city, it’s so great to be back! I arrived towards the end of last week and just about shaking off the jetlag. I have already become good friends with Karl the Fog, and managed to catch my NY Mets lose out again to the SF Giants over the weekend.…
New adventures….
In sharing my decision to move on to new adventures, I’d left one question unanswered: What’s next? Well, I have joined Social Edge Consulting as a Social Business Strategist, working with clients in preparing, implementing, and delivering results with their social business strategies. The role allows me the opportunity to combine my vision for the…
Moving on….
After nearly 10 years, last Friday May 10th was my last working day at CSC. My final week left me somewhat drained emotionally, only heightened by the kind messages of support and best wishes I received from colleagues. Once again, thank you to all I had the opportunity to befriend, work, collaborate, share, discuss, and debate with.…
Not-so-random good stuff
For a friend. Interesting video this on learning from artists about career progress: The Art of Career Development http://blogs.hbr.org/video/2012/09/the-art-of-career-development.html Part 1 of a series from the excellent (IMO) Steve Denning- read them all – about how agility is important, and what is needed to make it work http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2012/09/19/when-will-us-firms-become-agile-part-1-virtual-agility/ Stanford online creativity course I’ve enrolled in…
Why write?
Following my last entry Balancing the use of our time, and Henry‘s thoughts building this out Share more, learn more, the following quote provides a timely reminder on the importance of writing for work: As soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through…
Balancing the use of our time
Earlier today I began reading Julien Smith’s epic post on getting what we want, and whilst I haven’t yet read it all, the following stood out to me: “the way your time should be spent is largely like a pyramid, with a wide base of learning, with a smaller level of acting on top of…