Twitter Updates for 2007-12-04

  • downloading the Ubuntu 7.10 iso #
  • dialling into a call on the Lotus Notes 8 Composite Application Component Library #
  • seeing Sametime Unyte for the first time… #
  • here we go..! #
  • first up, tag clouds in the Notes client, based on an existing view, neat! #
  • document viewer > fairly straightforward #
  • web clipper, screenscraping on steroids! #
  • demo time! #
  • good call, will need to spend some time with the Composite Applications in Notes 8! #
  • depressing reading on broadband speeds from where I’m sat in Spain #
  • France has an advertised average of 44Mbps. Only 15x faster than what I have to pay 40€ a month for! #

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