- morning twitterverse! fresh from a fantastic weekend, busy week ahead #
- more Lotus Mac love, Lotus Notes 8.5 for Macintosh public beta now available http://snurl.com/1xw9n #
- checking out the new Lotus Connections site http://www.bleedyellow.com/ #
- @stuartmcintyre agreed on bleedyellow.com. Just realised you’re not in Orlando either, http://snurl.com/1xwes sorry to hear that. #
- admin done, a few mundane tasks closed, now ready for the @lotusphere barrage to come over the next few hours! 😀 #
- will be glued to the @Lotusphere Opening General Session liveblogging http://snurl.com/1xwmm for the afternoon! #
- @stroker sounds like a miserable day in the UK today, made worse by being at Reading station I bet! ah fond memories! #
- already 246 @lotusphere photos on Flickr! http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/lotusphere2008 #
- @stuartmcintyre LOL! So its not just me then!! #
- @jowyang and at least one ommision from that list, Lotus Connections for example? #
- @jowyang maybe not with the ease we might like, but take a look at http://www.bleedyellow.com/ #
- @jowyang why does ability to rebrand weigh in so heavily over other core functionality, surely its what the product enables thats important? #
- WTF! Lotus have formally announced support for Notes on Ubuntu !? via @sogrady #
- please tell me this is true! http://tinyurl.com/ytzqkl Finally! #
- @stuartmcintyre Yep, good to see IBM listening! #
- Can’t wait to hear more from @lotusphere on "Project Atlantic" joint SAP & Lotus product development, sounds interesting #
- exciting Lotus Connections news, language translation services Integrated to Yahoo! Answers. Ability to link to Facebook. #
- Lotus Connections to be integrated with wikis such as Socialtext and Confluence. I like! #
- IBM announces "Bluehouse" SaaS for companies less than 500 employees. Very interesting news! #
- wow, @lotusphere OGS done, now to try and digest some of the exciting news! Notes to be supported on Ubuntu is a personal fave for me! #
- preparing to upgrade WordPress #
- http://www.newsgator.com running like a dog in Firefox #
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