Twitter Updates for 2008-02-12



  • @chuckstar76 ouch! Sorry to hear that! I guess we’ll have to pardon the pun! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @andypiper any news on whats happening with the Bluehouse registrations Andy? #
  • @sdownes1972 have you had performance issues then Stu? Its running fine for me…. (though can always do faster!) #
  • @sdownes1972 make sure you read the comments, to understand what is being discussed. It would be a disaster if they bring in the data also! #
  • @sdownes1972 interesting, WinXP, 2GB RAM, works fine…. I’d blame that Vista c&@p!!! ;-P also check the thread here #
  • @sdownes1972 Sharepoint analysis "On its own merits SharePoint fails the needs of teams for collaborative software in 6 out of the 7 areas." #
  • @sdownes1972 The 7 Pillars Analysis of Microsoft SharePoint 2007 #
  • @andypiper thx! Lets hope so, looking forward to having a nosey! #
  • @sdownes1972 quite! I don’t disagree, wasn’t trying to make any comparisons, honest! :-p #
  • @Bigoceans Hey, those following your adventures for a start! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Get well soon! #
  • @pgrove funny, but that has been on my mind a lot lately too! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • off one call and into another! #
  • confirmed travel details for next week, @Dopplr updated! #
  • @sdownes1972 enjoy Ubuntu, I’m coming up to 3 years using it at home, and don’t miss windows a bit! #
  • preparing some photos to be developed in gimp #

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