Twitter Updates for 2008-02-15


  • a hectic morning of meetings and conversations so far, need to get into some dev work though! #
  • webex activeX has just crashed my Flock browser. Aarrgh! #
  • #Domino development: giving up trying to get @SetViewInfo to do what it’s supposed to! Shame, now I’ll need at least 20 views instead of 4! #
  • @Soulsailor Interesting that Shirley Robertson is way down in 10th, she’ll have to stop griping about not being selected now won’t she? #
  • @jowyang I tend to agree with @monkchips Its more of a "Yahoo is great, but I’m moving on" post. No "I’m leaving because…xyz" statements #
  • @elsua I had that today also, but only with a couple of people…wierd #
  • have a great weekend all! #

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