Twitter Updates for 2008-02-26


  • morning all! back at the coal face again, plenty to be getting on with, but the Lotus app I’m working on is coming together quite nicely…! #
  • @benedictpoole Me too! Looking forward to it already, see you there! #
  • just realised my office windows have been cleaned, everything is a lot clearer outside now!! #
  • @stuartmcintyre I feel your pain! Looking forward to Dublin already! #
  • @sdownes1972 no easy answer to that right? horses for courses? #
  • @stuartmcintyre ubuntu, ubuntu, ubuntu……!!! #
  • @stuartmcintyre likewise! #
  • signing in to to start an online french course, what a nightmare, IE only, install activeX, user hell!! #
  • @Soulsailor nice! according to google analytics, mine has flatlined!! Not sure the stats are being collected properly tho (he says in hope!) #
  • looking at flights to Dublin for ILUG2008 #

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