Twitter Updates for 2008-04-16

  • @dhinchcliffe a non-starter if you’re not 100% windows, Mac support for Q3 2008 and no mention of linux? :-/ #
  • need cafe via a drip this morning, was up too late painting a bedroom last night, suffering for it now! #
  • recovering from the pleasure of the interruption that is windows update, now updating Adobe AIR #
  • @mantero si, twhirl es mi cliente favorito para twitter, tiene mucha funcionalidad util, pruebalo! #
  • debugging some Lotusscript that won’t compile #
  • looking at accomodation in Dublin for ILUG2008, still haven’t got myself sorted! :-/ #
  • back from lunch. need cafe. #
  • @scastledine easy, only one winner in my book, @twhirl #
  • @sdownes1972 aha!!! pull the other one! not likely to happen any time soon! 😉 #
  • @sdownes1972 thats me! feeling young one day! full pic here: #
  • @scastledine LOL! Thats exactly my reaction to the same comment, be it the wife or the mother-in-law! #

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