Twitter Updates for 2008-05-13

  • @Soulsailor good luck with that, not an objective I’d set myself for a day in the capital! #
  • morning tweeters! up and at it, off to find coffee…! #
  • interesting tech business news, HP looking to buy EDS for $12bn #
  • @martin_english and who in their right mind will believe that!? #
  • @martin_english ๐Ÿ˜€ It’d be both funny and interesting to interview him, I think I’d struggle to keep a straight face hearing that gumf tho! #
  • @monkchips I’d have to post something worth commenting on first! #
  • Mark Shuttleworth on plans for Ubuntu releases into 2013, some commitment #
  • I can feel a reboot coming on, everything grinding to a crawl, too many hibernations, poor old WinXP…. #
  • @chuckstar76 enjoy, looking foward to seeing your updates #
  • Just discovered the "Del" key on th BB works in the msg inbox view. Nice! #
  • @edbrill the joys of air travel huh! can’t relax? suppose you could get some work done then! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • gmail borked again in flock, thinking I might give firefox 3 b5 a go on windows, its running great on Ubuntu at home #
  • @andypiper nice! are you a BB n00b like me? I’m already loving my 8820, wondering if the novelty factor will wear off! #
  • wow, that has to be the quickest download & install for a browser ever! FF3B5 up and running! #
  • @andypiper yes, the scrollball thing has a wierd tact! I took some tips from a colleague, which helped get me started
  • @edbrill buen viaje Ed! #
  • @notesboy morning, yes all sorted after I found the correct APN settings for my mobile network provider #
  • @FirefighterGeek what AIR enables is pretty slick though, check out the google analytics and eBay desktop as two examples #
  • @FirefighterGeek oh, and cross platform, @twhirl on Ubuntu is EXACTLY the same as on WinXP #
  • I think its down to the extn devs, I don’t know of any hack, many of mine are working fine #
  • The America’s Cup between holders Alinghi and challengers Oracle is to be held in March 2009, a New York Supreme Court judge has ruled. … #
  • What a farce! How can Oracle Racing have barged their way into a one off "final" series!? #
  • RIM keeping the pressure on Apple with the announcement of a $150 million fund for Blackberry application development partners? #
  • @cote integrating the two might be a challenge, some interesting thoughts here #
  • @GrahamChastney good timing, may just give WLW another shot, my WP editor seems to be playing up at the moment #
  • @pjnet so did you buy it!? #
  • @pjnet LOL! Yep, been there done that! But these days you just stick a "beta" label on the site! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • nope, WLW install borks on me still, why can’t it "just work" ? #
  • @delboycarter ask them about their new mates at EDS! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @pjnet sounds like some interesting experiences, could also be third time lucky! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @FirefighterGeek LOL! call us what you like! Just browse through the lists of followers, you’ll recognise some names, and not others #
  • @pjnet I hear yoou on that front too!, maybe just invite her as a beta tester, and if its better than FB she’ll want to be on there! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @alanlepo I dunno, do we ever truely mult-itask!? Sometimes I feel a single-threaded approach is better, otherwise I feel I am just flitting #
  • really not enjoying working in powerpoint this afternoon ๐Ÿ™ #
  • @aqualung @monkchips and here’s me thinking that cow flatulence was damaging the ozone layer #
  • Just had someone claiming to be my bank trying to sell me accident insurance! No number to call contract via phone. Well dodgy! No thx! #
  • After that rude interruption, now back to domestic bliss and making the dinner! #

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