Twitter Updates for 2008-06-12

  • Buenos dias! Today is a Friday for me, tomorrow is a public holiday for us here ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @benedictpoole Try Opera Mini for web browsing. The default browser is rubbish! #
  • @juanangelovi Good Luck! #
  • @benedictpoole App installation hasn’t given me issues so far, what about it do you find bad? Not to say I don’t have my usability issues! #
  • @benedictpoole have you tried over the air? Just point the BB browser at the site and use the download links. Has worked well for me #
  • @stuartmcintyre LOL! same happened to me with a wordpress twitter plugin when editing old posts! #
  • @stuartmcintyre I agree re NewsGator, though the missing piece in their jigsaw is a linux client solution that will also sync back… #
  • @olufsphere Dopplr and magnolia? #
  • @olufsphere Understand re Dopplr, magnolia is like #
  • @kavit27 so what did you think of Lotus Connections 2.0? #
  • @pedrorq do you need it? I haven’t had any issues with the nVidia drivers, compiz fusion runs fine #
  • @pedrorq ok, not something I’ve tried, though the nVidia drivers have picked up settings fine. Have you tried the restricted driver in 8.04? #
  • why have I just received an SMS from Facebook with a “Facebook Mobile confirmation code”? Haven’t asked for on afaik…. #
  • Retweeting @pjnet: Wondering if email is the new fax. Unfortunately not yet me thinks #
  • @stuartmcintyre thanks for the iSkoot link, been thinking about something like that… #
  • @GrahamChastney I think you’re right, though I hope we can move away from our “dependence” on it for collaboration #
  • back from lunch, warm outside, that “need a siesta” feeling creeping in. Must be time for a coffee then! #
  • @pedrorq LOL! Probably as close as I’ll get in this lifetime! #
  • @vitorpereira envy! do you ever stop!!? have a good one! #
  • @vitorpereira quite right! and on that note, I’m packing up for the day to go and collect my daughter, nice long weekend ahead of us! ๐Ÿ˜› #

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