Twitter Updates for 2008-07-11

  • @Soulsailor hey, at least its Friday!! #
  • @stuartmcintyre @benedictpoole me neither, now way am I falling for that trap. Here in Spain Telefonica are offering it for “free”..! Right! #
  • @chinposin update #
  • @chieftech congrats! looking forward to hearing the details! #
  • @vitorpereira LOL! poor thing, wish her luck from the twitterverse!! #
  • that rumbling isn’t thunder, must be lunchtime..! #
  • feliz cumpleaños @johnhead! #
  • @chuckstar76 hambre solucionado! 😛 #
  • @handly so heres a ¡feliz cumpleaños! to you too! #
  • @handly re widget catalog, very good idea….. #
  • @mneff @cflanagan you have me intrigued!! #
  • @jowyang here in Spain the data+voice plans are more than covering the hardware cost over 2 yrs. Telefonica is offering an option for 0€! #
  • @jowyang in Spain, 299€ to buy + 24€ per month x 24mths = 875€, or 0€ for hw but 85€ /mth x 24 mths = 2040!! all with limits on traffic #
  • @elsua gaiping void crop is the @chinposin theme… #
  • amazon_MP3 is following me on twitter…Is that spam!? #
  • @elsua just pick the first one you like, you’ll be there ages otherwise!! 😀 #
  • @joelitton use a computed background image if in the client? #

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