Twitter Updates for 2008-07-15

  • morning all! No network this am, so camped in someone elses office while mail etc replicates #
  • network is back, though now got a blank white screen, only @twhirl is responsive!! #
  • hard reboot coming up #
  • @dahowlett I’m wishing the siesta was a reality! Rarely get one even at the weekends these days! #
  • a big “hola” to my latest followers @Phigment and @VicPodcaster #
  • @dahowlett I’m further north in Asturias, and yes, I know what you mean, will be heading south late August to be baked alive for a while!! #
  • @dahowlett We can all moan about the weather!! jan/feb this year were actually quite pleasant, while summer has only just arrived it seems! #
  • aarrrggghhh!! On a project call, and “white screen of death” hits again! #
  • Retweeting @bbctech: Regulators announce a crackdown on the cost of sending text messages on mobile phones within the EU. http://tinyurl#
  • @lekkim you trying to tempt fate re DDE!!? #
  • @stuartmcintyre would be interesting to know whether the AIR platform is capable of delivering something like a Sametime client #
  • @TomRaftery ooohh! the joys of everyday spanish life! Don’t know about Ireland, but banks here are at least 10yrs behind the UK…. #
  • Installing Windoze updates, will have to reboot, so not much point doing much meanwhile… ๐Ÿ™ #
  • here comes the reboot…. #
  • @yojibee Hola! Yep, human I’m afraid! #
  • @martinpacker for all the good things re Sametime, lightness isn’t currently one of them! No gripes, though, more curiosity #
  • @TomRaftery the spanish system is still so dependent on having a personal relationship with a branch mgr, to avoid ripoff charges etc #
  • @stuartmcintyre agreed, I’d say currently the Sametime client scores 2 out of 4. #
  • @lbenitez LOL! he’s not eating his feet yet then!? #
  • Retweeting @gialyons: What do you think? Jeremy Thomas posts: Confluence vs. Clearspace: Interesting thoughts re E2.0 #
  • @aqualung yes, very. In my experience, the best wiki content is where people have had conversations… #
  • @alanlepo #
  • @lekkim enjoy Ubuntu! #
  • @grumpy_old_man yes, sorry, messed up posting to my blog, thankfully nothing exciting! #
  • @stuartmcintyre such cheek!! hey, I made no promises! ;-P #
  • @pedrorq @edbrill LOL! subtle difference between the spanish and portugese meanings! #
  • @cholsing you’ve reminded me I need to get back to that, initially hit issues with the 64bit version of Ubuntu 8.04 #
  • @pedrorq nooo!! I just read it the same way he did, familiarity I guess!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @stuartmcintyre congrats on the wiki residency! Will be looking forward to that! #
  • Retweeting @twitter: Announcing search!: Why? #
  • thought I’d forgotten my gmail password, was worried for a minute! #
  • upgrading wordpress blogs to 2.6 #
  • all done! 4 blogs, 4mins, and about 16 clicks total, all thanks to Dreamhosts one-click installs, great stuff! #
  • @ferdy not much to say re the upgrades, my hosts Dreamhost make it too easy! It really is one-click to start, then a wp db upgrade, easy! #

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