Twitter Updates for 2008-08-07

  • bonjour tweeps!! back in the office, yet it seems like I only just left…. #
  • @stuartmcintyre there is a nice ShareThis plugin for WordPress, makes it very easy. How easy is it for a Domino blog? #
  • Retweeting @linuxchic: “Overheard (same idiot): I’m American so I get what I want.” Ouch!! #
  • weather forecasters can’t make up their mind today, one says rain, another cloudy, currently we have clear blue skies!! #
  • @stuartmcintyre Nice one! looks like it is working fine #
  • @pedrorq you seem to be getting good at breaking xorg!! thx for the link #
  • @hortovanyi my login failed this morning too, but retried and was ok #
  • @hortovanyi @stuartmcintyre I’m using the 8.0.1 embedded ST client #
  • @chieftech Congrats on the house, now comes the fun of the move! #
  • @TomRaftery LOL re leaf-blower guy! I have the strimmer guy outside, carrying on where he left off yesterday, and the day before…. #
  • @hortovanyi @chrispepin is probably your man to ask #
  • @MattBrowne interesting stuff, especially given the news Canonical are working with IBM and will be including Symphony in the repositories #
  • “hola” to my latest follower @rygh, welcome along sir! #
  • @MattBrowne I long for the day I can go #MSFree with Ubuntu at work! #
  • @andypiper Nice one! Congrats left on your blog! #
  • welcome along @dalelane! Thx for following #
  • sport, economics, art, Spain and Italy, all in one interesting NYT article #
  • Retweeting @hortovanyi: “Am wandering when you think IBM will treat its BPs as customers?” #
  • leaving shortly to take the wife for her week 20 scan. Hope to know whether the “little ‘un” will being having a brother or sister! Excited! #
  • back later, hopefully with the news! #

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