Twitter Updates for 2008-09-16

  • Mornin’ twitterverse! At home this morning, daughter’s first day at “big” school today, for all of 1.5hrs!! #
  • just ordered a memory upgrade for my home pc, still chugging along with 512mb! 2gb on its way from Crucial, very easy process #
  • @delboycarter 4gb would be good, but motherboard can only cope with 2gb… ๐Ÿ™ #
  • @chuckstar76 @delboycarter PC is running Ubuntu 8.04 very well on 512mb, so a boost to 2gb should be nice! #
  • @dmgursky correct, but does a 32bit Ubuntu system have the same restriction? #
  • @guywakely not in Spain they’re not! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @handly thx for the link! could come in handy if I ever get internal approval for a new home pc! #
  • @guywakely yes the siesta comes in handy after the huge lunches typical here! Though unfortunately not something I often get to enjoy! ๐Ÿ™ #
  • @benedictpoole I’ve not had much luck with OpenID either come to mention it, thought it was just me tho! #
  • @stuartmcintyre please don’t go into more detail, LOL!!! #
  • @benedictpoole I think it was myOpenID when signing up for Ma.gnolia #
  • RT @monkchips: “With v 7 IBM is going to ship freeze-dried websphere as virtual images” for all common VMs.” “as easy as a bottle of coke” #
  • @monkchips re Websphere virtual images, Finally! #
  • @stuartmcintyre you read my mind! #
  • interesting take on the mess of the worlds finances #
  • correct link: #
  • @martinpacker great news that #AIR is progressing for linux! #
  • @CoreyDavis glad they’re ok, what a fright #
  • updated @twhirl on my #ubuntu pc #
  • looking at my options for a linux photo management app, f-spot is getting very slow with all my photos #
  • having a look at digikam #

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