Twitter Updates for 2008-10-22

  • followed @monkchips example and installed FF 3.1 No issues so far, seems quicker at rendering pages #
  • like the Ctrl+Tab feature in FF 3.1 to switch between recent tabs #
  • w00t! my Viglen MPC-Ls are on their way! #
  • @SteveRichards urgh, hope you start to feel a bit better quickly #
  • just signed up for Disqus, was never really happy with coComment #
  • @dahowlett thx for the warning, will tread carefully! #
  • @vruz coComment was clunky and unreliable, not picking up comments, incorrect titles, just doesn’t cut it IMHO. Not been back in ages #
  • cleaning out some old programs… #
  • @chrisgrice thx for the tip, made me realise I had installed the alpha build, not the beta 1 sorted now! #
  • @vruz nice, will have a play and try to get it integrated with my blog #
  • oh bugger, uninstalling the FF 3.1 alpha took all my personal settings etc with it! #
  • @Alex_Manchester thx, I’m only a little green right now! #
  • getting very frustrated that the internal wiki is so *SLOW* !! #
  • @TomRaftery @parislemon even if you do speak Spanish there are times when you don’t know what your going to get! More fun like that anyway! #
  • @wideawakewesley Symphony is pretty good, easier to use than Office 2007 #
  • @pedrorq not sure, but its slow enough for me to have one between each edit!! #
  • @TomRaftery disgraceful! and we hold out in hoping the US will face up to its environmental and climate responsibilities? #
  • @benpoole Confluence. Great app, nice features, just current performance sucks. #
  • Retweeting @laurisa: “10 yrs ago, you had to provide business justification for email address #w2eb” nice reminder of progress! #
  • @benpoole thx Ben, @094459 any useful resources out there I could pass on to the admin team? #
  • @mastermark not if you use Microsoft as an example #
  • @mastermark Fair enough! 🙂 so was your question “is it” or “should it”? I guess it depends where the revenue ends up #
  • Retweeting @monkchips: “@kittel with the economy the way it is i think its more likely the US is going to uranus… buddum tsch” Classic!! #
  • @briansolis post it, ithe decision sucks, a great opportunity for some good PR doing the “right thing” missed big style, and poor lass! #
  • RT @Bluemapia How to give up everything and ‘retire’ onto a sailing boat Maybe one day! #

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