Twitter Updates for 2008-10-24

  • buenos dias tweeps #
  • @duffbert I heartily recommend you do a *real* upgrade, to #Ubuntu! Worried? Try it out via #Wubi first! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @yojibee enjoy the new camera! #
  • hola to my latest followers @chriswarner2000 and @coComment #
  • @coComment see my previous tweet and blog #
  • @jonmell @stuartmcintyre not asking for too much now, are we!? #
  • app testing, worst part is documenting expected /actual results…. #
  • Retweeting @aqualung: Tell the world how you’d vote: #
  • check the results America, do yourselves a favour and get the world back onside! #
  • @HereItComes yes, Macedonia is the ONLY country where McC has a majority! Only 413 total votes though #
  • @Dominoyesmaybe LOL! McCain. The US don’t want him, the world doesn’t want him, why doesn’t he just pack up and go home!? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @vsmith1 I find Lotus Symphony Documents more than capabale for my needs, Office2007 frustrates me, period! #
  • back from lunch, now to report some bugs in an app I’m testing… #
  • Retweeting @aspender: “Why does popping out for lunch with my wife always turn into a shopping trip?” Mine tend to be like that too! LOL! #
  • @ssheppard no, I hadn’t, thx! Good to see them honour the pledge! #
  • @dominiccampbell right, more emotive wording might help prompt action, tho the issue has been recognised, so why not sort it out! #
  • @jaysolo loving your insights into the joys of fatherhood! Good to know I’m not alone on this adventure! #
  • @shartlen so it was a good night out then! LOL! #
  • @shartlen LOL! just looked up the recommended cure, it said “rinse and repeat” ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @vsmith1 #

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