Twitter Updates for 2008-10-30

  • Morning tweeps, wife had her 32 week scan this morning, all well, baby within bounds according to schedule! Not long to go now! Exciting ๐Ÿ˜€ #
  • @martinpacker LOL! yes, and the avgs for weight, headsize etc. #
  • @benpoole thx Ben, yes, but I think we’re a lot calmer with #2 than we were the first time around! #
  • @olufsphere thx Lars, yes, a second daughter, I’ll soon be outnumbered 3:1! :-/ #
  • @pedrorq @vitorpereira thanks guys! #
  • @Dominoyesmaybe right, nice mantra! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @scastledine agree re 2nd languages. With living abroad and *still* learning a second language, it is something I am constantly reminded of! #
  • @Dominoyesmaybe well I will certainly pass on your expert opinion, should add weight to the argument! ;-P #
  • @angryJohnny thank you sir! #
  • off to get new tires on the car #

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