- bonjour tweeps! #
- @christoph Menorca is a nice place to have to go for a wedding! I hope you get some time to explore the island a little in reply to christoph #
- kudos to @andraz for responding to my criticism of Zemanta’s stat tracking img, tho it does raise some further q’s http://snurl.com/dzlgn #
- @u235 shameless pimp, would you mind sharing your email/twitter/rss time mgmt habits & any tips? http://snurl.com/dxd4s in reply to u235 #
- @u235 thats a coincidence, GTD came up in a chat with my boss yesterday, so I pointed him in the direction of @ericmack #
- Cooliris + Flickr Creative Commons is a fantastic combination for presentation material #
- had twitterscope down most of the day, now giving up catching up #
- calling it a night, buenas noches tweeps! #
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