- Feeling like I didn’t actually leave work yesterday, you know, when one day rolls into the next! Mornin’ Tweeps! #
- @SilkCharm broadband here in Spain is comparatively slow, and expensive! I’m on 3Mbs for 40€/mth 🙁 in reply to SilkCharm #
- RT @TomRaftery: RT @damienmulley: To my non-Irish Twitter followers. The Irish Govt just censored our news. http://url.ie/1d27 < Not good #
- @guttedgeek re webcam recommendations, check out @TomRaftery’s tweets from yesterday, he was asking the same question & got some suggestions #
- @stickfight so that explains Mr @benpoole’s absence here yesterday afternoon then! in reply to stickfight #
- @TomRaftery Damn! What did I miss!? Any interesting moves re energy & sustainability here in Asturias, I’m not aware of much 🙁 in reply to TomRaftery #
- @bev93 No worries! Yes, I have Irish roots on my father’s side of the family in reply to bev93 #
- @bev93 thanks for asking, and the follow! in reply to bev93 #
- RT @TomRaftery: @sscullion Robotic fish being deployed in Gijon to monitor water quality? http://bit.ly/E1VN and http://bit.ly/20thJ < WOW! #
- @TomRaftery that is amazing! would be cool to see this data fed up live to Gijon Port Authority’s meteorology section http://snurl.com/ejgqp in reply to TomRaftery #
- @TomRaftery something else to be looking out for whilst sailing in the Bahia de Gijon! in reply to TomRaftery #
- been in discussions and demos all day, just time to pop the twitterscope up before another call #
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