Twitter Updates for 2010-05-13

  • live blogging is rather hard #lessonlearnt ๐Ÿ˜€ #
  • RT @BDutton: Regsitered for #e2conf . Pumped for some fresh knowledge! < cool! meet you there with @cflanagan #
  • morning tweeps, this is a flying tweet as another pdf reader update has been forced on me requiring a reboot. See you on the other side…. #
  • @SteveRichards I try and avoid the network, but can't escape the updates! ๐Ÿ™ #
  • @ssheppard I'm not going to tempt fate, lets just say I'm back up for now…. in reply to ssheppard #
  • I signed the petition to repeal the Digital Economy Act #DEBill #DEAct #GE2010 #
  • oh dear, I can smell another reboot…. #
  • RT @bbctech: David Cameron's top team are banned from having mobile phones and Blackberrys with them during cabinet me #

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