Twitter Updates for 2010-05-25

  • @mastermark complete the sentence: "Software is NOT….." Umm, that list could get rather long pretty quickly! ๐Ÿ˜‰ in reply to mastermark #
  • RT @GrahamChastney: Earlyish finish today – no apologies, I just want to go home. < ditto, just on time, rather than late for a change tho! #
  • @mastermark OK, but is not software fundamentally changing, becoming less clearly "identifiable" and therefore trending towards a commodity? in reply to mastermark #
  • RT @Sonos: RT @HenrikWalther After installing a Sonos S5 in the living room, the kitchen quickly became jealous < kitchen here is green too! #
  • buenos dias tweeps, attempting to bring some order to the chaos of my inbox…. #
  • RT @Sonos: The Sonos Controller for iPhone 3.2 is now available on the App Store – update now for crossfading, S5 stereo pair and more <Yay! #
  • @chuckstar76 yes, just the one S5 – at the moment! likely to get a zonebridge to add some mobility before a 2nd S5, then for the kitchen…. in reply to chuckstar76 #
  • @thinkscientist any good? the S5 is simply amazing, completely changed music for me and the family. Best tech I've purchased. Evar! in reply to thinkscientist #
  • @thinkscientist it's that good IMHO. Sonos doesn't tie me to the iPod, access music from the home NAS + internet radio and deezer all there in reply to thinkscientist #
  • @chuckstar76 knowing how much you like ur music, I'd push it higher! ๐Ÿ˜‰ in reply to chuckstar76 #
  • @TomJJarvis @thinkscientist it builds it's own index/catalog, iPod controller app makes it v.easy to find & play tracks, make playlists etc in reply to TomJJarvis #
  • @chuckstar76 I'm all too familiar with that reality! in reply to chuckstar76 #
  • RT @monkchips: how the shit do people work on documents using Word to track changes? insanity. < quite! #

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