Twitter Updates for 2010-07-14

  • @NigelBarron If that means what I think it does, big congrats dude! in reply to NigelBarron #
  • about to shutdown and install the corporate Win7 image. Wish me luck and see you on the other side #
  • @delboycarter I'm too poor to buy a Mac and will do anything to get off XP! in reply to delboycarter #
  • @monkchips Win 7 for work and Ubuntu 10.04 at home here, I'm pretty sure which I'll enjoy using the most and will give me less problems…. in reply to monkchips #
  • this is a tweet from the other side…. up and running on Windows 7 #
  • @adevin25 @shartlen yes really, and so far so good I have to say! #
  • buenos dias tweeps, nice breeze this morning, shame I'm stuck in the office rather than out sailing! #
  • I think twitter is hiding some @ replies from me…. ummmm :-/ #
  • @benpoole LOL! that cannot be a good thing! in reply to benpoole #
  • @Kell_Weddings hope you're all settling back into a routine, was great to have you over. Now we're looking forward to our turn! 😉 in reply to Kell_Weddings #

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