Twitter Updates for 2011-03-22

  • @j4ngis LOL! Luckily (for me) the camera seemed to be more interested in following my daughter's first efforts skiing! in reply to j4ngis #
  • RT @gary034: New phone…finally < Nice choice sir! (said firmly from the android camp just for the record!) #
  • @delboycarter though not buying a bike I hope!? in reply to delboycarter #
  • buenos dias tweeps! #
  • @delboycarter only probably!? LOL! in reply to delboycarter #
  • @chuckstar76 I'm heading that way too 🙁 @Yorkie71 whats that gadget? #
  • @Yorkie71 ta! not explored Win7 gadgets! :-/ I'm running at min c.30% CPU and >84% of 2GB RAM also without much running…. #
  • heading over to give an induction session to new CSC'ers on our collaboration tools, too much to cover in just 30 mins though!! #

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