Twitter Updates for 2011-03-30

  • been sleeping badly and little of late. taking it's toll….. #
  • this morning win7 is making me pay the price for drooling over what is coming in #ubuntu 11.04 "natty narwhal", now just around the corner #
  • @Aggerscricket big wicket that for #pakistan Sehwag was off to a flier! in reply to Aggerscricket #
  • @NigelBarron @TSystems_Iberia reinventando la rueda no? si ya estoy en linkedin y twitter, porque una red social más solo para #TIC #
  • biting the bullet and closing out a heap of browser tabs #
  • RT @monkchips: .@sscullion declaring browser tab bankruptcy? < yep! been running in the red for way too long! #

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