Twitter Updates for 2011-04-01

  • @stickfight my solution to that particular problem: @Spotify in reply to stickfight #
  • @stickfight nah, I'm too lazy, and dl's are just a hassle. Streaming is the file format for the next decade! in reply to stickfight #
  • Pinch, punch, first of the month! Wondering just how many #aprilfools will I fall for today….!? #
  • @TomJJarvis that's three questions! 😉 in reply to TomJJarvis #
  • .@TomJJarvis IMHO I see no reason for a personal and business twitter accounts, I take "me" to work every day! Just be authentic. #
  • .@TomJJarvis re "new jam" spam, that's where I'd suggest they were not using Twitter very effectively, there are better ways to build brand #
  • .@TomJJarvis @Yorkie71 if I had a startup, I'm pretty sure it would "be" me, I maintain authenticity is a better form of "promotion"…. #

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