Twitter Updates for 2011-04-04

  • buenos dias tweeps! suffering a case of monday morning blues here after a fab weekend… 🙁 #
  • treating myself to a brekkie of cereals, toast and tea! yummy! #
  • @TomRaftery I treat those trips back as reminders why it's so great to be here! 😉 #LookOnTheBrightSide in reply to TomRaftery #
  • America’s total sovereign liabilities, including off-balance sheet items such as Medicare and Medicaid = $75,000bn #
  • What does one TRILLION dollars look like? now multiply by 75 to see US debt…. frightening…! #
  • 57 dips, 61 chin-ups, 50 push-ups and 48 abdominal crunches, each in 45 seconds at the age of ….. 89! #musttryharder #
  • in other news my #ubuntu 11.04 beta upgrade over the weekend ballsed up my display settings. why am I not surprised? #nothingnew #

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