Twitter Updates for 2011-04-20

  • good idea in principle, but will calorie count on restaurant menus be accurate, or need policing? @bhc3 @SameerPatel #health #
  • RT @nachobarrientos:Met @sscullion today. He is indeed a very good speaker and passionate about his job. Keep going that way dude! <gracias! #
  • @nachobarrientos thx for the compliment, was great to be able to talk to you guys today. Glad the passion came through! 😉 #changetheworld in reply to nachobarrientos #
  • @vsmith1 sorry to hear you're in hospital, I hope things improve and you're on the mend and out of there soon in reply to vsmith1 #
  • RT @andysc: Fascinating early-morning discussion on the ferry with @ellenmacarthur < you get an autograph for me!? #
  • Conny Talbot vs. Adele #
  • RT @wearelondon: We're recruiting Digital Strategists right now! Great team, clients and remuneration <one for #twitterjobchallenge perhaps? #
  • work laptop off the productivity scale this morning. the wrong end. #FAIL #
  • RT @andypiper: The Dropbox TOS change is going to be interesting for those using it for temporary storage for anything "corporate". #

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