idea jam – Linux support for Quickr Domino version

I haven’t specifically blogged about the idea jam yet, I wasn’t lucky enough to be involved in the beta testing, but have since signed up and been having a look around

Today created my first idea!

idea jam – Linux support for Quickr Domino version

Bruce and the guys have done a great job getting this up and running, now we need to support it by throwing in our ideas!

So if you haven’t already, sign up!

Blogged with Flock

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3 responses to “idea jam – Linux support for Quickr Domino version”

  1. […] lbois wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptidea jam – Linux support for Quickr Domino version. Bruce and the guys have done a great job getting this up and running, now we need to support it by throwing in our ideas! So if you haven’t already, sign up! Blogged with Flock … […]

  2. Simon,

    Thanks for the blog post and thank you for participating. We look forward to the “official” launch on November 20th.

    Warm regards,


  3. You’re welcome Bruce!

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