Twitter Updates for 2007-12-19



  • reading up a bit more on Atlas for IBM Lotus Connections, can’t understand why this has to be bought, should be part of the product #
  • @stuartmcintyre "a 2002 way of doing things" a great way of putting it! #
  • @stuartmcintyre exactly. IBM should be leading the way in extending the API and showing us how to take advantage of it #
  • @stuartmcintyre Thanks, lets hope they take the criticism on board and look at a change in the future #
  • @yellowpark yes I’d love a seesmic invite if you still have one going spare #
  • @monkchips Blush! #
  • off for lunch #
  • giving in, trying twhirl, was a bit reluctant to instal Adobe AIR, no real reason though! #
  • so far I have been twittering via my IM client, pidgin, no real complaints #
  • @mastermark well here goes! ๐Ÿ˜€ #
  • well I must be in dumb-user mode, can’t login to twiiter with twhirl, how embarrassing! #
  • @chuckstar76 @mastermark thanks guys, I’d managed to get that far, but get an authentication failed msg #
  • dumb question coming up, does twhirl work behind a proxy? #
  • welcome new follower @michaelramm hello sir! #
  • well gents, thanks for the support, but twhirl looks like a no-goer for me, shame #
  • so, snitter doesn’t let me login either! #
  • @sdownes1972 thanks, but I think I need to find out where AIR is picking up its proxy settings from, if at all #
  • @vitorpereira hi there! give it a go for a while, follow a few people you know, and see what you think, let us know in the new year! #
  • first tweet from twhirl! ๐Ÿ˜€ #
  • for the record, AIR seems to pick up proxy settings from IE! It had changed without me realising, doh!! #
  • thanks guys! @twhirl @stuartmcintyre @mastermark @chuckstar76 @sdownes1972 !! #
  • maybe more later, off home, if not, then tomorrow! #

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