Twitter Updates for 2007-12-20


  • just fired up the laptop, been in meetings all morning! #
  • just read a nice email from the @dopplr team, saying thanks for being part of the beta, nice touch! #
  • @mastermark, Asturias isn’t bad either! Just don’t go telling too many folk! #
  • wow, nice email from assuring me that my order will arrive in time for Christmas… #
  • even if it means them upgrading the shipping option, at no extra cost to me! Nice one amazon! I just hope my order makes it! #
  • thats me done workwise until 2008!! #
  • so, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, in case I don’t tweet again this year! Will be enjoying a disconnected xmas period! #

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3 responses to “Twitter Updates for 2007-12-20”

  1. I wish you a Merry Cristmas and happy new yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr……

    Feliz Navidad Simon

  2. Happy holidays ! I see most of your blogging is via Twitter these days. If/when you decide to write longer posts, might I recommend adding POSTIE and blogging by email – it have finally broken my dependence on WLW !

    take care.

  3. Thanks for the holiday wishes guys, I hope you had a good one, I certainly did! 😀

    Now just to get back into the swing of things!

    Hi Glen, I must admit, I’ve been a little slack on the “real” blogging front lately, lets see if the new year brings some improvements there!!

    I’ll look into Postie, I assume you mean this plugin: I saw your post on how you use this, looks a good solution, anything for making things easier! Thanks for the heads up!

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