Twitter Updates for 2008-03-27



  • @stroker thanks for pointing that out, thats scarey seeing me up there like that!! #
  • @stroker it came onto the radar, not had a chance to play yet though #
  • @stroker did you find your rcp directory? if not tried searching for the plugin_customization.ini file? #
  • @benedictpoole I feel your pain, keep it up, you become numb to it in the end! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @stroker good stuff, I need to reinstall i think, and not working for me behind the proxy! ๐Ÿ™ #
  • @mastermark hey, best wishes for your wife, I hope things go well #
  • @dominiccampbell funny, here in Asturias its about the best its been for two weeks!! #
  • @SteveRichards, I don’t know about @chuckstar76 but Notes 8 on my T61 looks great, Sametime, calendar and Twitter in the sidebar is nice #
  • @sdownes1972 that’d be a similar consideration to the cost of us archiving our email all the time due to the quotas then! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @aspender try @twhirl from #
  • @GrahamChastney oh please do!! ๐Ÿ˜€ #

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