Twitter Updates for 2008-03-26


  • @cwhisonant yes, thx, @lekkim is looking into it further, had it working last night from home, shame, as it would be great! #
  • morning twitterverse, yet more bad weather here in northern Spain, looking forward to the spring coming back again, February was lovely!! #
  • sametime 8 embedded client just crashed…. taken Notes with it…. not good :-/ #
  • a big "hola" from Spain to all my latest followers, lost track a little lately as there are a few of you! #
  • downloading Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and the BlackBerry JDE Plug-In for Eclipse
  • @Soulsailor that sounds interesting, and LN is my thing too!! I hope that has nothing to do with your tweet re Sharepoint though!! 😉 #
  • @Soulsailor well we could sure have some interesting conversations sat on the weather rail slogging up the beat some day!! ;-D #
  • @Soulsailor well if you ever fancy a holiday in Asturias, northern Spain, let me know and I can sort something out! #
  • unable to download the BlackBerry JDE Plug-In for Eclipse, seems like a problem on their site
  • link should have been #
  • @Soulsailor been here for over 4 years now, time flies! #
  • @ccrowson its a result of having eclipse / expeditor under ST7.5, which is not under Notes 7 #

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