Twitter Updates for 2008-05-07

  • back in the office for the first time in over two weeks, almost good to be back in familiar surroundings! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • we have a new Blackberry user on the block! Lets get this baby configured! #
  • Blackberry’s software download page really sicks, broken again, at least for me behind a proxy :-/ #
  • @chuckstar76 I have an 8820, just trying to get it activated here in Spain is turning into a pita! I hope the BB experience will be worth it #
  • Blackberry service enabled, now configuring email, what fun! #
  • @chuckstar76 hey Charlie, check out the twitterberry screenshots, somebody is famous!! #
  • @GrahamChastney currently "free", not connected to the CSC service ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • must be about time to do my expenses, should be a lot of fun…. #
  • @stroker looking forward to things getting going, shout if I can help! #
  • BB doesn’t seem to be picking contacts from my sim card, makes me wonder whether they’re on my old phone. Some investigating to do me thinks #
  • @delboycarter you got one going cheap, that’ll work in Spain!? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • great, time to go and a big thunderstorm arrives! later everyone! #
  • Tweeting from twitterberry on the 8820 before watching Madrid v Barca. I hope it will be a good match! #
  • @gialyons LOL! I put off doing mine today. Why is it torture wherever you work! #
  • R.Mad 1-0 Barca #
  • @delboycarter good luck. We had big thunderstorms here ealier. The girls avoided it though! #
  • R.Mad 2-0 Barca #
  • R.Mad 3-0 Barca #
  • R.Mad 4-0 Barca! #

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