Twitter Updates for 2008-09-26

  • buenos dias! just realised, its Friday!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ #
  • restartign FF which has updated to 3.0.2 #
  • looks like its AdBlockPlus blocking the Flickr stylesheet! very annoying! #
  • scratch that re adblock, viewing the CSS only gives me network timeouts, wierd… #
  • via @spinnak3r The Volvo Ocean Race is to undergo a thorough environmental audit in partnership with DNV #
  • @094459 anything that can be shared, would be interested in your approach #
  • @guywakely so its not just me that gets irate with them pesky toolbars then!? #
  • @ibmevents is there a public list of attendees for #ijam08 anywhere? #
  • @guywakely yep, drives me up the wall, look forward to reading the blog post! #
  • @GrahamChastney building IE dependency into a corp app in 2008 should be a sackable offense! #
  • @stuartmcintyre after our last interchanges, I’m going to resist entering into comments on your musical taste! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @GrahamChastney cheer up chap, its Friday! ๐Ÿ˜€ #
  • RT @bbcnews: New research suggests that Scots drink more pure alcohol than people living elsewhere in the UK. #
  • @stuartmcintyre oooouuuooo! touchy! LOL! #
  • @DelphRB interesting to see who the big losers are, almost exclusively the big financial firms. #
  • @Dominoyesmaybe hey, nowt worng wit Kylie either, well, ok, she is a little on the short side! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @pedrorq it’ll be different, so yes, also being on at a sensible time for us in Eurpope helps! #
  • @hossmacian LOL! No sir, not guilty!! Funny to see where peeps have musical taste in common tho! #
  • @Dominoyesmaybe for me currently those “but why..?” exchanges are rather regular, guess it goes with the territory of a 2.5yr old! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • RT @Dominoyesmaybe: “@pedrorq – Hmmm she is a short over produced antipodean she is to pop what Status Quo are to metal ;-)” Harsh but funny #
  • @stuartmcintyre not stats to go waving about, not if their ones own that is!! #
  • @david_hay its a well-known fact that grated cheese in sarnies tastes much better, particularly mild chedder! #
  • @epredator @monkchips: I would love to know what the IBM Second Life mavens think. Comments PLEASE #
  • @david_hay I have to admit I am having a particularly bad spelling day! TGIF! #
  • tengo hambre == I have hunger. Solution == lunch #
  • back from lunch, now to finish up today’s tasks without tweeting away the afternoon! #
  • @dahowlett anything to do with the fact that Spanish banks are stuck in the dark ages, charging us for everything and anything!? #
  • @Dominoyesmaybe Red Leicester, corr blimey! Now you’re talkin’!! With pickled onions in a granary bread doorstep! Feeling hungry again! #
  • @stroker hope the coffee does the trick! #
  • @ccrowson spot on, if we’re scared of everything, how can we move with the times? Likewise nothing green, no corp. social responsibility…? #
  • @zuffle just in time for the weekend! Go enjoy! #
  • @epredator @monkchips your comments reminded me of something I’d read about earlier this year #
  • @mitchellmckenna who cares, I use Ubuntu! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #msfree #
  • @monkchips LOL! there’s a few more of us out here too! ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @benedictpoole maybe you should be asking M$!? ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • RT @scastledine: Only 1 day in prison for this, unbelievable: (you have to watch video to see why) #
  • @aspender have you heard about the Nigerian consortium looking to invest in Newcastle? Apparently they sent Mike Ashley an email… ๐Ÿ˜‰ LOL! #
  • @benedictpoole thats worse than sobering, yet I live in a country where they have had ID cards for years, its completely accepted…. #
  • Palin and Clinton stand united against sexism in the US election campaign Hilarious!! #
  • @guywakely oops! got a link? #
  • @gialyons how did you answer that!? #
  • @stuartmcintyre good luck with them chap! #
  • @pedrorq no, but the new ones do contain biometric data #
  • @benedictpoole Quite. Its amazing how you lose touch, I’ve only been abroad 5yrs and so much has changed… #
  • @benedictpoole chatting with my brothers this summer while they were over brought that home to me. Some of what they said was quite a shock! #
  • @monkchips and why can’t they release amazon mp3 in europe? or have they and I missed it!? always a possibility! #
  • @gialyons LOL! what a great way to start the day! Its amazing what the little ones pick up on! #
  • @guywakely left you a comment #
  • anyone else seeing issues with flickr and delicious!? no css loading from, ideas? #
  • thinking it really is beer o’clock…. have a great weekend tweeps! #

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