Twitter Updates for 2008-10-20

  • morning all! sunburnt today after a fantastic days sailing yesterday! 😀 #
  • @Jimconnolly ditto re the follow! Good to see yet another ubuntu’er, I unfortunately still have to suffer WinXP for work though! #
  • also a big “hola” to those that tagged along over the weekend! Thanks for the follows! #
  • @chuckstar76 ah, so this IBM deactivation isn’t just a local phenomenum….. me too, and another colleague… the mystery deepens!! #
  • @chuckstar76 @vlongani, perhaps, I can still login and access value package resources… wierd tho #
  • @stroker did you get a brightkite invite? if not, dn me an email address and I’ll send you one #
  • @stroker no worries then! #
  • flagging, think it must be time for lunch…. #
  • back from lunch, I think I have a team call to join in a few mins, but no calendar entry, ummm…. #
  • @aqualung @dominiccampbell LOL! My thoughts exactly! #
  • @aqualung no, me neither! at first I thought @dominiccampbell was having a friendly pop at his SAP tweeps! #

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