Twitter Updates for 2008-10-21

  • @yojibee enjoy the new camera, I love my 400D, a big upgrade from the 300D #
  • Retweeting @mastermark: “IT needs to not do ‘to”, or ‘for’ consumers, but ‘with’ them” Doug Neal #lef #
  • Retweeting @mastermark: “What other industry refers to their customers as ‘users’? Drug dealers.” Doug Neal #lef #
  • @vlongani just wait until England turn up over there in a few weeks, you’ll have a tougher time then! 😉 #
  • RT @mastermark: Doug Neal: “Virtualisation means I can use VMWare on my Mac to do all the dumb corporate stuff I need to do.” #lef #
  • @mastermark loved those quotes from @gblntwkr Have fun! #
  • @dominiccampbell does forgetting about avesdropping on all comms and dumping it in a central database count? #
  • @dominiccampbell yes, I tend to like Mr @clinfoot’s writing style, he makes a good argument. #
  • @dominiccampbell No gov web initiative will succeed without rebuilding confidence and trust first. Gov track record just sucks big time #
  • @Dominoyesmaybe well thx for sending the bad weather our way, filthy here today! Bit of a shock after temps in the high 20’s lately! #
  • @dominiccampbell so need to start small, achievable, do it right, gain experience, be open with the process… #
  • ooooh! the Euribor fell again, nice! On that note, off to grab some lunch and try to dodge the rain! #
  • @mastermark Mornin’! Keep up the efforts, enjoyed yesterday’s commentry #
  • @TomRaftery interested to know how the connectedness is so much more on the iphone, is it more than a perception, apps in the bg, etc? #
  • @mantero LOL! a mi me paso lo mismo con la bola, de repente mando 15 sms *solo*! #
  • @dansilva MS Livewriter refuses to install for me, so I’m sticking with ScribeFire, does the job nicely #
  • @bbunderground recommend you upgrade to the beta for 0.7 of twitterberry #
  • @bbunderground blimey, Twitterberry already gone to 0.8! #
  • @andypiper thx for the link #
  • @cote that’d be due to it providing a lot of easy treasure to find, right!? #
  • @monkchips is FF3.1 alpha stable? what about extension compatibility…? #
  • thx @cote for the follow! #
  • @stuartmcintyre not do the trick with a script? #
  • @TomRaftery interesting thx, I’m tiring of the data access prompts, why can’t the N95 just choose the best option? #
  • time to risk a drenching and head home #

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