Whitepaper – Performance basics for IBM Lotus Notes developers

This should be a must read for all Lotus developers, even those of us who consider ourselves experienced.

There are so many badly designed and developed Notes applications out there, giving the technology – and by implication also us as developers – a bad name, that sometimes I think it wise that we revise even the most basic concepts from a best practice perspective.

This white paper addresses the most important and most serious factors affecting IBM® Lotus® Notes® and Domino® application performance. It is intended for developers of Notes client applications, to help them maximize performance by identifying problem areas and by offering solutions.

In this article:

  • Introduction
  • General principles
  • Database-level performance considerations
  • Formula performance
  • Form design
  • Views
  • Code
  • Testing
  • Use Profile documents
  • Conclusion

Direct link to the PDF

Via Per Henrik Lausten


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